REZZ's “Something Wrong Here” EP Release Party Was Nuts [Gallery]

There is a sizable niche in the dance community for the eerie, mid-tempo techno stylings made popular by artists such as Gesaffelstein. Within North America, Canadian producer Rezz can now easily be considered as one of the genre’s most adored figureheads. Only a few short years since picking up music production, the young producer has achieved major recognition for her edgy tracks’ ability to attract a wide variety of fans. REZZ's fame has only continued to multiply after her addition to the mau5trap roster.
REZZ surprised her fans with a new EP along with a sold out night in her hometown. With her new EP, it isn’t hard to see why deadmau5 has been so keen on REZZ‘s music. Balancing strong production values with dark, industrial rhythms and pummelling synths, she’s developed a recognizable sound that’s all her own.
The night was stacked with unreleased content as well as a very memorable moments for one her die-hard fans:
Enjoy these visuals along with her new EP for a complete experience
Full Gallery By Will Selviz