“BHARTI KHER Matter” at Vancouver Art Gallery

“BHARTI KHER Matter” explores the Indian artist’s oeuvre, from her iconic bindi paintings to her sculptures and photography of hybrid creatures. Curated by Daina Augaitis, Chief Curator/Associate Director, and Diana Freundl, Associate Curator, Asian Art, the exhibition sheds light on the artist’s exploration into the meaning of human relationships, spirituality, the animal world and the role of femininity in today’s society. As the Vancouver Art Gallery writes,
Bharti Kher was born in London, England, in 1969, and after receiving her education there, moved to New Delhi, India in 1993, where she has been based ever since with her artist husband Subodh Gupta. Much of the inspiration for her work, whether tied to her themes, ideas, materials or techniques, comes from Indian influences, such as her unique use of bindis, and some mythological references.

Through her work, Kher poses questions of identity and gender, as well as challenges the stereotyped notions of femininity and beauty, creating hybrids that blur the distinctions between male and female, animal and human such as her ‘cyborg-like’ “Hybrids” and her quasi-androgynous sculptures of ‘goddesses’. Kher investigates the nature of human relationships and the complexity of social norms, bringing about ideas of female empowerment.
This exhibition will be running at The Vancouver Art Gallery until 10 October 2016