BREAKING: Future Abandons all Worldly Pleasures to Become a Buddhist Monk

Future is done with music.
The rapper, known for helping popularize trap music and auto-tune rap, has decided to leave his lucrative career for the opportunity to study with Buddhist monks in Tibet. Appearing in humble, traditional garb, he granted RENDRD an exclusive interview.
“I found the celebrity lifestyle to be antithetical to my newfound worldview,” Future said, who now prefers to go by his birth name, Nayvadius Wilburn. “Lust, alcohol, drugs — I lost myself in them. They presented a short-term solution to my personal needs. Why rap about fucking bitches in Gucci flip-flops when I could engage my soul and possibly reach enlightenment?”
Despite contractual obligations to continue recording music, the What A Time To Be Alive artist has stayed true to course.
“They just don’t understand me — my friends from my old life. Yeah, I might have a couple lawsuits coming my way, but soon I’ll be far from this life of sin. Any material wealth they could possibly want, I’ll give it to them. And I’ll do so happily. One day, I hope that they’ll find what I have found.”
Before making his journey to Tibet, the artist formerly known as Future has vowed to pay off all prior debts and divide the remainder of his wealth between his ex-fiancé, his young son, and charities of his choosing.
“I wish Ciara and Russell the best in their union. I can’t imagine a more honorable man, and a more respectable woman. I keep them in my prayers.”
When RENDRD asked him how he reached this disposition, Wilburn replied: “a shit ton of acid.”