New Study Shows 38% of Vancouverites Currently Purchasing Overpriced IPAs
VANCOUVER - A groundbreaking new study conducted by the School of Public Health at UBC shows that at any given moment, 38% of Vancouverites will be purchasing heinously overpriced IPAs.

Whether it’s at Yaletown, Steamworks, or 33 Acres, Vancouver locals just can’t seem to get enough of the hoppy, alcoholic, and ridiculously expensive beverages.
“Yeah man, I just really love the hoppy flavouring, the bitterness of it,” one total rube had to say.
“I mean, it’s really good for business,” says Mitch Taylor, the owner of Granville Island Brewing Company. “In the winter, people might request our trademark winter ale, or maybe something light. But now that summer’s here and the party season is starting to come into swing, we’ve had business booming on the basis on a single beverage.”
The craze isn’t just for the experts, either – another finding from the study showed nearly one in ten Vancouver residents planning on brewing the hoppiest thing they possible could and selling it to their cash-starved friends.