Fashion Daily Digest: Nike x Amazon Deal, Top 10 Freshest Bowling Shirts and More
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Designers embraced a new European hope on Saturday in Paris as Dior Homme, Hermès, and Balmain celebrated the French election and Vetements paid tribute to their new home in Zurich.

i-D met the millennial Michael Jackson right after his private Chanel concert to celebrate the opening of the Mademoiselle Privé exhibition in Séoul.

We took to the streets of Brazilian melting pot São Paulo, to meet the city's lovers, dreamers, and creators.


For June, adidas Consortium’s ongoing Sneaker Exchange program brings together Boston’s clandestine sneaker outpost Bodega with Newcastle-based retailer END.

Nike goes into Amazon deal
During its fourth-quarter and fiscal 2017 earnings conference call Thursday, Nike provided a few more details about its decision to start selling on Amazon. It's being described as only a "pilot" with a "very small assortment" of footwear and apparel. Basically, the decision is all about being able to control the way in which the brand is presented on the site, which had already been selling unauthorized Nike product, and "increasing the quality of product storytelling," according to executives. {Nike}

This season’s best fashion videos included films from Gucci, Nike and Gap.

Exclusive: Shot by Alasdair McLellan it features Calvin Klein faves – Ashton Sanders, Millie Bobby Brown and Paris Jackson