RENDRD Radar: Win and Woo Talk Electric Forest, Canadian Tour and Upcoming Tracks

Win and Woo recently had their dreams come true at Electric Forest this year. Playing The Forest Stage has been a goal ever since they saw Tommy Trash crush it back in the day. The duo, comprised of Nick Winholt and Austin Woo, grew up and currently reside in Chicago where they push their creative minds to create some of the best music out right now. Since playing Summer Camp in 2012 they have been quietly transitioning from DJing to producing. They took this time to hone in on their skills and rebrand. These two have no intention of slowing down now, so we welcome them to Canada, as we are hungry for more hits.
“Have you heard of a loonie or a toonie?”
Nick: “Besides Looney Tunes?”
Austin: “Is that code for a sex thing?”
Nick: “Of course. We don’t live under a rock.”
Austin: “Literally the best heart attack on a plate you can have.”
Austin: “I have heard that this is one of the best cities for sushi… we are sushi connoisseurs…”
Nick: “Well not connoisseurs because we are from Chicago, which is land locked, where we get river trout...? So we gotta get it when we come out to the coast!”
The Chicago scene in a nutshell:
Nick: “The music scene has been incredible lately. You know Louis the Child, Chance the Rapper, and Autograf all came out of Chicago.”
Austin: “It seems like everyone leaves… I would love to see a change to where we didn’t have to leave… it’s a great place to start, its our home, house music started there which is our first love, but there is a glass ceiling to break through.”
Nick: “ We need more things like Fort Knox, which is a huge complex of 150 studios all in one building, it’s amazing!”
“Everyone still reps it hard though, even Kanye! Shows there are deep roots in Chicago.”
The duo spilled about what really went down in Nashville with Ashe- they actually connected over Facebook and promptly had a session in Nashville- never met before – spent days at a time writing lyrics together -and BOOM- on the first day they wrote and produced their single “Recognize”. Instant click.
“It was almost a tease because working with her was so amazing- it’s hard to find people like that!”
Thanks to their Canadian manager, Perry, they have been playing shows left and right. You can catch them next at Ilesoniq Festival in Montreal, and keep an eye out for them this year… they are up to big things.
…Shhh watch out for “Sleepy Bears”.