WE ARE FURY Back at it Again with Armors Remix [PREMIERE]
Following the release of their first EP only a couple weeks ago, the boys of WE ARE FURY look to continue upping the work rate this summer with another remix for people. This time it comes in the form of a pop ballad gone rogue.

For this one, the Californian alt-pop band, Armors' tune goes under the knife and has been unpacked and re-shaped into a bass-head's dream. The pop vocals that kick off the song carry an energy that's built upon throughout and with a bassy delivery on the drop, laden with intent, makes the minimal changes in the lows detectable through any decent sub system. Now if that's difficult to follow, just have a listen here and you'll see exactly what we mean:
This is a pairing we ship hard. When asked as to how the remix came to be, WE ARE FURY said:
“The Armors boys actually messaged us on Soundcloud saying they heard about us from Mako, and they sent over a handful of unreleased tunes, asking us if we’d like to remix any. We didn’t really have any expectations but when we heard Olen’s voice (Armors' singer) we knew we could make something special with it, and we’re happy that we did”.
We're happy too lads!
Add the remix to your playlists here