André 3000 Released 2 New Songs for Mother's Day [LISTEN]

André 3000 has released a pair of beautiful tracks in honor of his late parents this Mother’s Day – a short project titled Look Ma No Hands.
The first song, ‘Me&My (To Bury Your Parents)’, is an ode to his mother – who died on his birthday in 2013 – and his father, who followed a year later.
“Me and my mother, drivin’ to the grocery store / me ridin’ shotgun with the window rolled down” he sings, accompanied by a piano performance from Kevin Kendrick. The second half of the verse conjures images of a young Andre with his father, watching football games and laughing.
The second song, the titular instrumental track, features Andre performing bass clarinet alongside James Blake’s piano for seventeen minutes. There aren’t any words, but you know what he means.
Andre’s heartwarming return to music can be heard here on his SoundCloud: